How To Change Your Life With Questions (Part II) ๐Ÿค”

Before i move into what moved me to write to you today, i want to make good on my promise to you to share a few ways to embody your answer to the ultimate unlock and unblock question:

What do i want my life to be about?

(Missed that museletter? You can read it here).

When i reviewed and reflected on my list of qualities and things i wanted my life to be about, a new question popped into my mind that asked, Where in my life am i NOT doing this?

i jumped on my first answer: social media.

Like most of us, i have had a love/hate relationship with social media . . . but what would happen if i changed that (internal) story?

More importantly, what would happen if i changed my social media story to directly reflect and shine out into the world all those qualities i listed out?!?

What if i used social media in a way that rooted, grounded, and empowered that new story of what i want my life to be about? What if i opened up Instagram and shared in the energy of "possibility," "transformation," "reciprocity," "service," "enchantment"--all the stuff i want my life to be about?

How would that change me? How could that change others?

And how would that help me live into everything i listed out?

You see, the first QUESTion is a key that unlocks doors and hallways of pure potentiality. How we embody our answers is to ask more deepening and depth-defying QUESTions and feel into a way that we can turn our answers into actions.

What i/we/us in the Wonderland of Wild Dreams call, Praxis--the intersection of our theory (QUESTion/Answers) and action (integration/ embodiment/behavior)

Your praxis might look different from mine. Maybe it's not social media. Maybe it's changing the way you talk and tend to yourself. Maybe it's the way you interact with every soul you come into contact with. Maybe it's learning something new, letting go of something too old--who knows?!?!?

Actually, YOU DO. YOU KNOW.

The way towards the embodiment of any answer, any change, any transformation is through you.

You can't get to where you want to grow without first making a pit stop in/at the heart of you.

Start with the QUESTion (what do i want my life to be about). Say yes to walking through the hallways of your answer (more deepening, defining questions). Choose a door (What answers light up? Choose one.). Turn it into a praxis.


This is how you change your life.

One question. One answer. One praxis (aligned action) at a time.

i lied at the beginning of this email.

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ ALL THIS IS THE MESSAGE i was called to share with you today. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ

Take it and run towards all the things you want your life to be about.

i love you.

Go make your life beautiful today and every day.

in lak'ech


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