The 🗝 Question To Unlocking Your Wild Dreams

Your Wild Dreams = Your Destiny.

And your Destiny is shaped, formed, and created by asking (and answering) one key question:

What do i want my life to be about?

What DO you want your life to BE about?

i asked myself this QUESTion this morning and here are just a few of words/energies that come through as true for me:

  • Possibility
  • Passion
  • Creative Expression
  • Transformation
  • Duende
  • 🔺 Fire
  • Sacred Leaps
  • Ganas
  • Service
  • Self Sourcing
  • Freedom
  • Solutions
  • Spells
  • Magick
  • Inclusivity
  • Generosity
  • Kindness

And those are just the beginning!

If i shared everything that came through this email would be a mile long, and neither you or i have time for that.

But what i/we/you/us need to make time for is sincerely, honestly, and wholeheartedly answering that question.

Because what and how you answer WILL empower, drive, and motivate what you decide to do and how you will act(ion).

So mi gente hermosa/o/x, tell me--no, TELL YOURSELF--What do you want your life to be about?

Answer that QUESTion today, and tomorrow i'll pop into your inbox and share what you can do with your answers to begin to LIVE your Wild Dreams and show up to your destiny.

Mucho mas ❤️‍🔥 & self-reflection
in lak'ech

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