What i'm promising YOU in 2023...and beyond. 💖

i’ve never been much into the hardcore New Year’s Resolutions thing, but one thing i AM into?

Hopelessly devoted to serving you in 2023–and beyond!

i’ve been listening closely, all year long, and the #1 struggle that you’ve shared with me is you want to live a life full of magic, fulfilled dreams, and empowerment.

That’s why i’m declaring 2023 to be the Year of Magic! As in, unleashing the magic in you!

That’s right, amazing friends! i’m on a personal fire + wands-infused mission to help you reclaim your magic, conjure your inner creatrix, and make practical (and magical!) empowered choices so you can live your dreams now.

Here’s some of the enchantment you can expect from me in 2023:

  • MORE PERSONAL ATTENTION, in ALL the ways. Since COVID, i’ve been craving deep personal connections in my relationships, friendships, and flient (friend + client) work. i’ve been desiring to connect DEEPER, not more. And so in 2023, i’m focusing all of WOKE MAGIC, our services & products, and channels of communication on creating meaningful and direct interaction with me and my medicine + magic.
  • REOPENED 1:1 MENTORSHIP. It’s been over 3 years since i’ve done 1:1 work. But my craving for deep transformation and connection has led me to reopen my one-on-one spiritual pláticas and mentorship books for a limited number of slots. i’m so grateful to all who have already booked seasonal sessions with me. 🙏🏽 It’s going to be MAGIC!
  • LIVE MAGIC & CORE MAGICAL CLASSES to help you live a life full of magic, fulfill your dreams, and (re)claim your power! From January - March in our main learning hub, WITCHFLIX, i am dropping and running our signature core course (Re)Claim Your Magic LIVE! With 3 LIVE Q&As to ask your questions about the course or your magic! And from July - Sept. in our online magic + creative coven, Sacred Creatrix, we will be running our core course, Conjure Your Creatrix, LIVE! 🥳
  • MORE EXPERIENCES OF MAGIC. STARTING HERE, IN THIS MUSELETTER. One of my personal goals is to make every interaction and touchpoint with me and WOKE MAGIC…well, magic. And that begins here, in your inbox. i’ll be sending 3 to 4 museletters a month. Specifically on the day of the week of the new, 1st quarter, full, last quarter 🌙 phase. These museletters will include stories, nuggets of magic, advice, gifts, updates on the WOKE MAGIC world, and other exclusive magic…and SURPRISES! (Like the one below!)
  • 🎁s!!! In addition to all the magic i just mentioned? You can also expect lots of fun, helpful surprises from me in 2023. Kinda like … THIS! It’s a copy of ONE FULL Lunar cycle of the WOKE MAGIC Grimoire, (hint: It’s Aquarius! The New Moon that’s happening THIS SATURDAY!). It was only available to my Witchflix folxs, but i want you to have it because i want 2023 to be the year you (Re)Claim Your Magic…and your Power ✊🏽. There are rituals, room to journal, mantras, full moon reflections and soooo much more!! CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO IMMEDIATELY DOWNLOAD!

That’s my magic list! 🧙🏽‍♀️

i’d love to know YOUR big plans, intentions, dreams, magic for 2023! Write back and tell me. And i’ll hold them in the same prayer field where i keep my own. 🙏🏽

Here’s to a year of magic, creativity, and love.

It’s time to live our dreams.

Let’s do it together!

in lak’ech,

Brandi Amara Skyy HWICH of WOKE MAGIC

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