Hola mi gente!i come bearing GIFTS!! 🎁 🎁🎁 Lots of them!! This morning i had the honor of hosting and holding space for the wonderful souls who showed up to our Leo New Moon Circle live--and those who are joining us on the replay. i left inspired and even MORE devoted to delivering all the tools you need to manifest your Wild Dreams into your real-world life. In fact, i left our circle with so much energy that hopped on Instagram and did a short live--about showing up, showing out, and doing what you say you're going to do! 🎁 That's gift #1. i'm calling it: PopUp Video Downloads. You can watch it 👇🏽 (click pic to be redirected to the video).🎁 Gift #2 is . . . Mercury rx Medicine Bundle. Click the pic to be redirected to the bundle. 👇🏽This bundle is soooo good that i wanted to share the love with everyone, and not just the folxs who bought The Ultimate Mercury rx Journal. May this bundle help you harness the power of reflection and reassessment so you may continue to learn, grow, and serve. 🙏🏽 🎁 Gift #3 is . . . JOIN ME LIVE ON TUESDAY FOR OUR MONTHLY TAROT MEDICINE READING! Click the pic to be redirected to YouTube & click "Notify Me" on the bottom left hand corner.Where you can ask me any and all questions about how our card of the month (Knight of Cups) might be impacting you! May you have the day and week you are desiring. Enjoy the magick and i'll see y'all Tuesday at noon CST! i love you. in lak'ech |
i’ve always wanted to be a writer. i wrote my first book about a little girl who wanted to be a ballerina but didn’t have the right shoes when i was seven. Me writing with intense focus on my dad's lap i’d spend hours and hours at my tiny humxn Mickey Mouse desk with fire engine red table legs and plastic chairs drawing, coloring, and recording myself talking as if i was the queen of my small city radio. i wrote and read. Read and wrote. Writing like creative expression and performing has...
Before i move into what moved me to write to you today, i want to make good on my promise to you to share a few ways to embody your answer to the ultimate unlock and unblock question: What do i want my life to be about? (Missed that museletter? You can read it here). When i reviewed and reflected on my list of qualities and things i wanted my life to be about, a new question popped into my mind that asked, Where in my life am i NOT doing this? i jumped on my first answer: social media. Like...
Your Wild Dreams = Your Destiny. And your Destiny is shaped, formed, and created by asking (and answering) one key question: What do i want my life to be about? What DO you want your life to BE about? i asked myself this QUESTion this morning and here are just a few of words/energies that come through as true for me: Possibility Passion Creative Expression Transformation Duende 🔺 Fire Sacred Leaps Ganas Service Self Sourcing Freedom Solutions Spells Magick Inclusivity Generosity Kindness And...