2024: Vibes, Visions, & a Million $ Experiment

🌖♓️ The Moon is Disseminating. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!! 👇🏽 A message from me!

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Happy 2024 amazing souls!

First a huge and very warm welcome to all the new folxs in my orbit—you're valued, appreciated, and loved 🥰!

To all my OGs: i love you. i love you. i love you. 🙏🏽

As we move into this New Year, i wanted to share some of the values, visions, and investments i'm moving into 2024 with in hopes of inspiring you to create and build your year NOW as you are living it!


i'm rebranding all my work—my magick, my writing, my coaching, my YouTube channel, this newsletter, read: everything i do—to be in service to my/your/our Wild Dreams.

i realized at the end of 2023 that this is what my entire existence (let alone my body of work) has been in service to from the onset.

It just took me 1 billion and 1 years to see it enough to say yes to it. 🤣

So grab your dreams and hold on tight cause this is going to be an epic 366 days!

i can't wait for you to experience what i have in my vision. ✨

My Card for 2024

Yesterday, i went live on my YouTube channel and pulled our 12 cards for 2024—and DANG are they good! The recording will be up tomorrow, but i want to invite you (if you haven't already) to pull a card for 2024 that represents the energy you need to embody to make all your goals, wild dreams, and wishes come true. i've pulled one for each month in our collective but it's always a good idea to pull some of your own!

(Spoiler Alert: January's card is The Chariot!)

My card for 2024:: 9 of Pentacles

This was a conscious card pull for me (meaning i chose the card vs. asking a question, shuffling, and seeing what comes up) because i have some big HWIC (Head Witch In Charge) visions for 2024 that require me to be in my agency and power. i felt like my card for 2024 needed to reflect that energy so i trusted myself and my magick and did what i felt called to do.

i invite you to enter 2024 in the same agency and energy and CLAIM YOUR SHIT! 👏🏽

My Vibes

Early last week, i sat down and made a of list vibes and feelings i wanted to cultivate in 2024. Here are the 3 BIG ones:

  1. Throw everything at it.
    Meaning, if i want something, i'm going to give it everything i have and learned to do—even if (and especially if) i find myself judgemental and/or resistant to it. I'M GOING ALL IN WITH ALL THE TOOLS I'VE GOT and new ones that feel right to pick up along the way. Why? Because when it comes to my/our/your dreams i believe that excess gives us way more chances that something will land and why wouldn't we give ourselves the BEST odds to get what we want?!?
  2. "Unconcerned with how i'm perceived."
    This one is HUGE for me. i, like so many of us, suffer from the fear of "What will they think?!?" The fear of how we are going to be perceived is #1 killer of our Wild Dreams because we as humxns are wired with the need to belong. It's stopped us—and has stopped me—from wildly pursuing my dreams. NO MAS MI GENTE!

    So i'm making the conscious effort to be UNCONCERNED with what everybody else thinks and more attuned with what and how i'm feeling. Or, as Drake would say, "I'ma worry 'bout me, give a fuck about you."
  3. I choose Wonderland.
    If at any point, i'm met with a choice to keep things the same, do what's always been done, or to take The Fool's leap, i will choose to leap. i will choose to write, pave, dance, and map a new way. i will choose to write my own fantasy adventure story that is my life. i will choose BOTH the red and the blue pill. i will choose to follow rabbits. i will choose to enter (and CREATE!! my own) Wonderland. 🐇

My Vision

Service. Creative collaboration. Intuitive choice-making. Creating my Wild Dream Wonderland for me—and for you 😉.

My Investments

This section is me really trying to be A LOT more transparent with y'all about what i'm doing to better myself.

The truth is i spend A LOT of $$$ to better myself, my skills, and my knowledge so i can in turn be the best coach, mentor, channel, writer, and artist i can be for all of you. i've just been extremely private about it. Why? i'm not sure. That's definitely something i will continue to unpack. But i figured that sharing what I'M DOING & INVESTING IN right now, is a beautiful place to start.

  1. 1 Year long Belly Dancing Classes with Karen Barbee. i miss dancing...A LOT. And i know that when i move my body in ways that make me happy, my whole world begins to glow in hyper-color. i've known Karen since i started belly dancing at 16—so a VERY long time. Not local to Texas or the U.S.? She has online classes too. Check it all here.
  2. A Business Coach via group program. i've taken and been a part of A LOT of business programs, but i knew from the moment i entered Cera's world that this one was different. My intuition was right. i had a MAJOR breakthrough in my very first group coaching call. i'm talking tears and all 🤣. Her program is called Elemental Entrepreneurship and she frames business around the elements and it is such a fantastic, witchy reframe!

Now for the one i'm honestly hesitant to share because it was 'on the whim' purchase that i was worried i was going to regret because i knew NOTHING about this person and her work.

A few days ago, i stumbled upon Joanna Hunter's "My Million Dollar Experiment." Now, i've been hosting my own private million $ experiment for the last couple of years because one of my Wild Dreams is to become a millionaire from my art, writing, and business. i know the good i would do, the change i would make, the proof i would provide for so many folxs like me, like you if i became a millionaire in all my queer, indigenous glory.

But here was someone who was hosting their own experiment publicly. 👈🏽 This is huge for me because i'm still working around my fears and blocks of talking about money in public. (Aren't we all?!!? Especially when it comes to how much we want to make/DREAM of making?!?)

But because i had already established the vibes i wanted more of in 2024, i said fuck it, leapt, and signed up. (Also, the fact that it was only $25 FOR A FULL YEAR OF MINDSET AND $ MONEY WORK was a no-brainer for me really. Think about it: If you could spend $25 and have a 1 in 287 chance of becoming a millionaire, wouldn't you do it?!?! UM, Fuck yes. i volunteer as tribute!)

Anyway, we're literally TWO days into the experiment and i have to say that i'm truly impressed with the content, care, and work of this experiment. i found out yesterday that the doors are still open (and will be until the 31st of this month) for folxs to join.

And if you want to join me in this experiment, you can sign up here. AAAAND hit reply to this email and let me know if you do cause i'm thinking about creating a private newsletter coven for all of us who are doing the $ experiment—which means additional coaching, mindset, and other fun stuff with me!

i had actually planned on sharing my "Promises To You" in this email as well, but apparently, i got a lot more excited and in-depth with these other elements than i thought i would. 🤣

Which means i'll be back in your inbox soon sharing my big bold promises FOR YOU!!

Until then, i hope you magnetic and magickal rest of your Tuesday.

in lak'ech

P.S. If you take nothing else from this love letter, take this:


i love you. You got this. i believe in you.

Please note that this email may contain affiliate links. By signing up and supporting yourself via the links, you are also supporting me. It’s a system in which we ALL win. And i can totally get down with that. i hope you can too! 🤗

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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